The Center for Progressive Learning designs authentic opportunities to promote progressive learning for parents and professionals though many different programs and events. Our Events and Film Screenings provide a unique lens through which to view progressive education from the point of view of well-known and experienced experts in education and child development.
Upcoming Events
Event - Youth Leadership Event
Saturday, March 28, 2020
A Center collaboration with High Meadows Camp, this event is designed to empower young adults in high school and beyond. Stay tuned for this year’s speaker announcement.
Date: March 28, 2020
For: High School and College Aged Students
Location: High Meadows School
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Cost: minimal fee
Event Cancelled
Film Screening: Love Thy Nature
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Love Thy Nature - We’ve lost touch with nature. This disconnect hurts our health, dulls our spirit, and threatens our future. Narrated by Liam Neeson, Love Thy Nature is a cinematic journey through the beauty and intimacy of our vital relationship with the natural world. And it shows that a renewed connection with nature is key not only to our well-being, but also to solving our climate and environmental crises.
Date: January 29, 2020
For: Educators and Parents
Location: High Meadows School Community Center
Time: 6:30 pm
Cost: Free with RSVP (childcare provided)
Past Event
Event - October 16, 2019
Community QPR: Empowering Gatekeepers with Mental Health Crisis Training
High Meadows parents Julie Smith, Anna Padgett and Caroline Carr will lead us through an important training designed to prevent suicide through public awareness and education.
Date: October 16, 2019
For: Parents
Location: High Meadows School
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Cost: Free
Click the RSVP button below and provide your name and contact info.
Past Event
Event - October 3, 2019
Beginning the High Meadows Journey
Come learn more about your school, connect with other families, and engage with faculty about the journey of learning at High Meadows.
Date: October 3, 2019
For: PreK and Kindergarten parents
Location: High Meadows School
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Cost: Free
Click the RSVP button below and provide your name and contact info.
Past Event
Event - September 25-26, 2019
Positive Discipline for Parents
Join High Meadows Director of Support Services Sue Amacker in learning about how Positive Discipline can provide long-term parenting skills that will encourage your children
- to think for themselves
- to become more responsible
- to have a greater respect for themselves and others
“Positive Discipline teaches young people from an early age to become responsible, respectful, and resourceful members of their communities. Recent research tells us that children are hardwired from birth to connect with others, and that children who feel a sense of connection to their community, family, and school are less likely to misbehave. Positive Discipline is based on the understanding that the key to positive parenting is not punishment, but mutual respect.”
- Dr. Jane Nelson
PreK Families - Sept 25, 2019
Lower Years Families - Sept 26, 2019
For: Parents
Location: High Meadows Preschool Classroom
Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Cost: Free
Presented by Sue Amacker, MA, LPC, NCC
and Certified Positive Discipline Parenting Trainer
Click the RSVP button below and provide your name, contact info and which day you will be attending, PreK or Lower Years.
Past Event
Event - May 18, 2019
Breaking Down Courage to Buil it Up in Yourselves
High school and college-aged students are invited to join us for this free leadership workshop with youth & young adult speaker Candace Doby
The key to building up courage is having and utilizing the right tools. In this entertaining and interactive workshop, Candace Doby shares tools of courage —confidence, competence and cause—to help young adults understand how the tools can assist them in managing fear and preparing for courageous action. Attendees will
- Connect how courage promotes positive youth development.
- Understand the importance of developing three key components of courage: confidence, competence and cause.
- Discover how to develop those components in themselves.
Candace Doby is an empowerment speaker who has been examining the definition, elements and obstacles of courage for a decade to understand what pushes people forward and holds them back. As a speaker, Candace has combined personal storytelling with research-driven takeaways to inspire thousands of students across the southeast to act courageously. She was a top speaker for Monster’s Making It Count Program and has spoken to over 8,000 students across the southeast in conferences, assemblies and workshops.
“The path to fearlessness often goes through courage. Being courageous means choosing to face fear or a threat for a worthy purpose. The presence of fear, not the absence of it, is part of the courage equation. Fear is awake, alert and active, which means any attempt to lull fear to sleep is pointless. The goal, then, to is put fear in its place and make it behave.”
Date: May 18, 2019 - Download Flyer
For: High School and College-Aged Students
Location: High Meadows School Community Center
Time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Cost: Free
Past Event
Film Screening: Celling Your Soul
Thursday, January 31, 2019
CELLING YOUR SOUL is a powerful and informative examination of how our young people actually feel about connecting in the digital world and their love/hate relationship with technology. It provides empowering strategies for more fulfilling, balanced, and authentic human interaction within the digital landscape. The film reveals the effects of "digital socialization" by taking viewers on a personal journey with a group of high school and college students who through a digital cleanse discover the power of authentic human connectivity, and that there is "No App" or piece of technology that can ever replace the benefits of human connection.
Date: January 31 - 2019 - Download Flyer
For: Educators and Parents
Location: High Meadows School Community Center
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Cost: Free with RSVP
Past Event
Primary Colors: Youth Leadership Event
Saturday, May 12, 2018
High school and college-aged students are invited to join us for a free leadership workshop with speaker & writer Andrew McPeak
Looking for new experiences? Interested in making new connections? Want to know what makes for a healthy, effective leader? Gather with other young people to collaboratively explore the complex subject of leadership. Have fun while recognizing your own abilities and gaining valuable new skills! Learn about the four fundamentals that everyone and anyone can develop in their lives: character, perspective, courage and favor.
Andrew is a millennial speaker and content developer with Growing Leaders. In his role as Program Excellence Manager, he works closely with schools, universities, companies and sports teams on implementing Habitudes as a tool to teach life and leadership skills. Primary Colors of a Leader is a globally recognized formula for leadership.
Date: May 12 - 2018 - Download Flyer
For: High School and College Aged Students
Location: High Meadows School Community Center
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Cost: FREE
Past Event
Film Screening: Most Likely to Succeed
Save the Date! Thursday, March 15, 2018
Most Likely to Succeed examines the history of education in the United States, revealing the growing shortcomings of conventional education methods in today’s innovative world. The film explores compelling new approaches that aim to transform learning as we know it. After seeing this film, the way you think about “school” will never be the same.

Date: March 15 - 2018 - Download Information - Download Flyer
For: Educators and Parents
Location: High Meadows School Community Center
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Cost: $5
Past Event
Film Screening - January 5, 2017
I'm Not Racist...Am I?
Watch for upcoming opportunities to continue this important conversation about race.
We invite you to attend a free film screening of I'm Not Racist...Am I? A post-screening discussion facilitated by a member of the filmmaking team will allow for viewers to engage actively with the subject matter and with one another through respectful dialogues.
I'm Not Racist... Am I? is a feature documentary following a diverse group of teens through a yearlong exploration to get at the heart of racism. Through some tense and painful moments, we see how these difficult conversations affect their relationships with friends and parents, and ultimately challenge them to look deep within themselves. By the end of their time together, we’ll see these remarkable young people develop deeper bonds, a stronger resolve and a bigger, more significant definition of racism than any of us ever imagined.
Watch the Trailer - Download the Flyer - Learn More
“Regardless of one’s background, the topic of race is one of the most hard-to-talk about issues that we all live with today. I’m Not Racist...Am I? creates a space to have the discussions that hurt; it also has the power to spark the conversations that can heal”
-Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz Assistant Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University
Date: January 5, 2017
Location: High Meadows School Community Center
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Cost: Free with RSVP
Past Event